You know that coffee with milk from the neighborhood bakery that costs around R$3.00 a cup? Well, you can find the same coffee with milk at , for example, and pay around R$10.00.
But why the difference? That’s where price and value come in!
Are you curious? This article will help you understand the subject better and, as a bonus, it will also help you when pricing your products and services.
Keep reading!
Price and value, what’s the difference?
First of all, it is important to understand what each of them is, after all, only then will it be possible to identify how to apply them to your business.
Price is the financial value attributed to a product or service so that it can be sold. It is common that during the sales process, the potential customer asks what the price of what is being offered is and that is where the question comes in:
The price set ends up varying and taking some characteristics Job Seekers Database into consideration, such as: the quality of the product or service, the level of of the brand in the market, the purchasing power of the target audience and the average price charged for the same item. All this analysis is important so that you can set an appropriate price for whoever you want.
In other words, what ends up generating value for a product or service are the benefits that are added to it.
Find out why benefits are what generate value
When thinking about your product or service, have you ever thought about how to make it attractive to your customers? This is extremely important!
But at the same time, it is also something that needs France Phone Number List attention. Many people make the mistake of only advertising the product’s features in their advertisements. There are buy these Wi-Fi headphones now”, instead of saying: “buy these Wi-Fi headphones right now. The case allows you to exercise without having to hold your device”.
Did you feel the difference? In the first sentence, you simply communicate the main feature of the headset. In the second sentence, in addition to communicating the feature, you also explain the benefits that this product can bring to the customer.