How to segment your email database effectively?

Segmentation occupies (and if it is not yet the case, it will have to become so) a central place in the emailing and marketing strategies of companies. Segmenting a contact base is now within everyone’s reach, thanks to emailing software like Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Distinguish your contacts based on specific attributes

For your emailing strategies (newsletter, transactional emails, marketing automation), segmentation consists of:

  • to divide its database into several separate lists or segments according to particular attributes: gender, sector of activity, center of interest, geographic area, etc.
  • To distinguish its contacts according to behavioral criteria or actions carried out by customers on a site.

Let’s take a very concrete example: you have a clothing store and you decide to send a newsletter every month with the current offers. To make your newsletters more relevant, it is better to segment your base at least according to the “man/woman” attribute and thus create a newsletter for each gender.

Segment for better content

In the era of mass emailing, segmentation allows you to personalize emails . The main objective is to be able, thanks to segmentation, to offer your contacts targeted products or content , i.e. adapted to the profile of each of them.

Segmentation also allows you to refine the content of your emails, by only offering your contacts products or content that are likely to interest them. You get straight to the point, to the great delight of your contacts. Your message will therefore be all the more readable with each of your communications.

Last but not least, segmentation benefits improve your reputation with Internet Service Providers (ISPs, e.g. Orange, Free, Gmail, etc.). Contacts who respond more to your content are a positive factor for your sender reputation.

Define your business objectives in advance

How do I segment my database? To answer this question, you need to consider the questions:

  • What information do I have about my contacts? The more information you have about your contacts, the further you can segment your database.
  • What are my business goals? What attributes of my customers are likely to create different business goals?
  • What types of emails do I want to send? (newsletters? personalized scenarios via trigger marketing? commercial offers?)
  • How did I collect my contacts’ email addresses? There can be many sources of acquisition: competition, social networks, landing page (which one? That of a particular service/product?), registration form, telephone contact, exchange of business cards, etc.

Therefore, if you want to segment your database, you need to think about your email collection devices in advance. For example, review your newsletter subscription form or your purchase form.

Ask for clear and precise information that will help you know your contacts and segment them. But be careful: don’t risk lowering your registrations by trying to collect too much information.

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Behavioral criteria

These are the information or criteria related to the behavior of your contacts. For example: contacts who have what do customers think of mailchimp? opened or clicked on your last 5 newsletters. These criteria allow you to differentiate active contacts from inactive ones, and to set up specific strategies for each of these segments.

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) allows you, for example, to create tags when creating your campaigns. For example, group your emails highlighting men’s clothing under the tag MEN and those presenting women’s clothing under the tag WOMEN. You can then identify all the people who clicked on an email tagged MEN and send them priority communications on men’s products.

Criteria related to purchasing behavior

These segmentation criteria are mainly relevant for e-commerce sites . For example, you can segment your database based on the amount spent in the last month.

Example: you create a list with bh lists customers who spent more than 50 euros the previous month, another list with those who spent more than 100 euros, another for those who spent nothing. It’s up to you to determine the amounts that are relevant for your business. This segmentation criterion is very useful for designing personalized offers (coupons, selection of sale items, gifts, etc.).

You can also segment based on the type of products purchased . This allows you to then offer similar or complementary products in personalized emails (cross-selling, up-selling).

It is also possible to segment your contacts (but also to clean your base) according to the level of engagement of your customers (new customers, old customers and loyal customers)

You need to take the time to properly define segments that are tailored to your business and activity. Once you have defined the segments, combine them together to create truly personalized newsletters. Test different content to identify those that are of the most interest.

Segmentation, if done well, will allow you to quickly improve your marketing campaigns and will even help you imagine even more personalized and therefore effective automation scenarios .

Obtain a company database

Now that you know the interest and the main criteria for segmenting email databases , let’s look at how to get a solid email database.

There are several methods to get a solid prospect file. Let’s look at the two simplest solutions here.

Building your own database

First of all, you should know that you can create your own prospect lists yourself and at a lower cost. This method may seem long and tedious to you, but it is effective and, above all, it is completely free. All you need to do is use the available directory databases such as LinkedIn, SIRENE files, sites like Tripadvisor, etc.

Buy or rent a prospecting file

However, in France, there are also a few companies that offer to provide B2B databases for sale or rental. If this alternative is often criticized, it is because it remains delicate. On the one hand, the seriousness of the company is never really guaranteed and you must be careful. On the other hand, depending on your criteria, there is always the risk that your list is no longer up to date.



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