Hello, dear friends! Welcome to this new episode of Walk with Johan be creative . And today, I will try to help you become even more creative. That’s it, that’s the personal development topic of today’s video and I really hope to help you, that you will like it.
Recently, I talk to you about simplifying things. Well, we do all of that in the academy and I’m proud of it and I’m proud that members tell us they love the academy, they tell us: “I’ve been following you for years, I’ve listen to your podcast for years, but I didn’t want to join the academy, I wasn’t sure. I regret having wait so long”. Today, it fills me with happiness to have this clarity, to know that everything we do is for the academy.
It helps me a lot. So, join the waiting list
And yesterday, I wasn’t inspir, I wasn’t creative. I don’t know, I couldn’t do it. But it was on my calendar, I said: “Well, it doesn’t matter, you’re going to do it anyway, you’re going to do your best”. And I produc four scripts that seem pretty good to me. In any case, I’m happy with them. So, it’s not necessarily the main thing, because italy whatsapp number data the basic idea is still that it helps the members, but since many of you tell me you like this podcast, I imagine that we’re doing a decent job.
There is one thing… I can share with you a key sentence that came to me yesterday and that I realiz a long time ago, it is that inspiration cannot be decre, that is to say it cannot be decid, but mike pylatuk it is provok, that is to say it arrives indirectly as a result of actions. So, that is very important to understand.
Inspiration cannot be decre
it is not something that we decide. We cannot say: “Well, here it is, in 5 minutes, I will have inspiration”. No, no, it does not work like that. It cannot be decre, it cannot be decid. But it is provok, that is to say that it does not arrive by chance either. It is not something that we must wait for and say to ourselves: “Oh well maybe it will arrive later or tomorrow”. No, it is provok.
So, we can, we, make sure to become creative a complete list of unit phone numbers by putting in place a certain number of things. So, I’m going to give you a little list of five, six points, and several of these tips come from my personal experience. So, I’ve us them all or I use them all at different times. And some of them come from the book … a book that I really lik call Daily Rituals … in English … How Artists Work by Mason Currey or Currey, I don’t know how to pronounce it. In any case, it’s a book in which the author, Mason Currey or Currey, studi the routines of great creatives. So, there’s Balzac, there are … ‘well, a lot of creatives. You can look on Amazon to get the list.