Email marketing vs SMS marketing

In this article, you will discover what opposes these two means of communication and the ideal situations to use them

The goal is not to make you choose a particular marketing channel, but to highlight the strengths of each of them, to highlight their advantages or even to list their differences so that you understand their impact and adjust your strategy if necessary.

What the numbers tell us

To begin, let’s compare the numbers and statistics of email marketing and SMS marketing.

First of all, contrary to what one might think, email is one of the preferr means of communication for customers , since of them want the brands they are in contact with to use this channel. In comparison, 80% of mobile users are interest in SMS from their favorite companies , especially the new generations who are particularly sensitive to marketing SMS. However, more and more prospects and customers want to be contact by SMS because their inboxes are flood with emails.

In addition according to comarketing.

news, emails are 40 times more effective in terms of customer acquisition than Facebook and Twitter ads combined. Add to this, 49% of professionals who received an email buy a service, so email campaigns are formidable for winning new customers. Nevertheless, SMS is not letting itself be defeated because 49% of French people make a purchase after receiving a promotional SMS .

The opening rate of SMS is almost 5 times higher

than that of emails. Messages are shorter, contacts see the rirection link directly when they open an SMS.

Emails are fully customizable blank pages . You can insert images, gifs or videos, incorporate your logo and company colors, use the typography specific to your identity or include graphic shapes that suit you. With email campaigns you can succee in standing out from your competitors thanks to your visual identity. In addition, you do not nee to have advanced knowledge of graphics to succeed in creating designer emails, you just need to use an intuitive and professional email solution such as Sarbacane .

While with SMS campaigns it is impossible to make a striking graphic layout that reinforces your brand image. Inde marketing SMS are short messages, they contain 160 characters. You can write an SMS up to 450 characters maximum, no graphic elements and no colors can be add.

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Memorization and speed

Since marketing SMS messages 10 best wordpress social media share plugins are short and have no particular formatting, campaigns are quick to set up and can be programm in just a few clicks. Similarly, messages are more easily memorize by contacts and CTAs (Call To Action) are impactful because they only have one place to click and little information to remember. Moreover, according to INSEE, the memorization rate for SMS campaigns is 60%.

Conversely, recipients are less likely bh lists to remember information in email marketing campaigns since there is more content. In addition, their design takes longer.

Different situations

Marketing emails adapt to all possible situations and circumstances. You can use marketing emails to find new customers, notify, promote your services and/or activities, raise awareness of a cause, engage and retain, inform your contacts of your news or relaunch those who are inactive. For each event, there are many types of emailing.

Extent of the campaigns

The mobile phone has become an essential object in our daily lives, and there are few who do not have one, since 95% of French people are equipp with one. As a result, SMS marketing campaigns can reach a very large number of people. In the same way, email marketing campaigns can also reach many individuals since in 2019 the number of email users in France was 42.2 million people . In both cases, the reach of marketing campaigns is immense, which makes them effective weapons.

Create links

Email campaigns encourage exchange between readers and your brand , particularly through newsletters that transmit information about you, but also anecdotes, advice, news or even testimonials. Being more comprehensive than SMS, emails build long-term relationships and inspire trust. While SMS can only focus on the essentials because of the character limit. So when interactions and customer engagement are necessary, you have to focus on email marketing .

Database cleaning

The SMS mailing list requires little maintenance thanks to the portability of telephone numbers , that is to say that customers can keep the same number when they change operators. Emails require a more regular update of the contact list, in particular because people change their email address when they have a new job. In emailing, it is necessary to clean your database regularly. To do this, you can use an email verification tool . A quality database optimizes your deliverability and preserves your technical reputation as a sender with Internet Service Providers.

By soliciting your prospects and customers through several communication channels, you maximize your chances of obtaining better profitability and having a powerful and formidable marketing tool. Finally, adopt a software that combines an emailing solution and an SMS marketing solution to make your life easier!

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