9 tips for successful newsletters

Newsletters are information emails sent by a company or any other professional organization to its contacts to talk about its field of activity, its products and/or its services. The main objective is to inform recipients of its news and events, to create traffic on its site and to build a solid customer relationship over the long term by communicating on rich and varied subjects. With newsletters, we mainly seek to boost customer relations and support its expertise.

So newsletters are, as you can see, real levers for acquisition.

And loyalty. However, many people fail to fully exploit their potential. Lack of content ideas, emailing solution unsuited to the needs of the company or targeting problems, it is sometimes complicated to keep up the pace and send effective newsletters.

But then, how do you create effective newsletters with high added value? In this article, you will discover our 8 tips for creating effective newsletters!

Prerequisites before designing your newsletters

The first step to creating effective newsletters is to use a dedicated emailing tool that is adapted to your needs. If you try to send your newsletters with email boxes like Outlook or Gmail, various obstacles will block your path, whether in terms of deliverability or efficiency.

First of all, the number of mailings per day is limited and ISPs are extremely vigilant about mass mailings from anonymous and free messaging services. They strictly filter mailings and newsletters sent through this channel regularly end up in spam.

2. Set goals

When you want to send a newsletter to your prospects and customers, you must first determine the objective behind the campaign. What is the desired goal? What should the newsletter bring you? Are you looking to create a lasting relationship with your recipients, demonstrate your expertise, get your contacts to download something specific or are you looking to generate interactions with them to build loyalty?

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1. Sender, subject and preheader, the details not to be missed

To make your newsletters successful, you must the 17 best emailing software tested and compared of course think about their content, but you must also think in advance about all the other elements that make it up. Well executed, these elements can significantly increase the opening rates of your mailings.

To start, focus on the sender. Focus on your company name and, to go further, add a first name to humanize the campaign and make it less impersonal. For example, use “Marie from Name Your Company ” as the sender name. Your contacts will systematically recognize their dedicated contact and will trust you and be more inclined to open your newsletters. For the sender address, avoid “no reply” which cuts off any response, makes people suspicious and sends a negative image.

2. Focus on a personalized and relevant message

To keep your recipients interested and eager bh lists to receive your campaigns, you need to design unique and personalized content. Indeed, by sending relevant and exclusive messages, you create a sense of anticipation. Your subscribers will be eager to read you and will necessarily have to open your newsletters to access specific and original information.

  • Recap your latest posts to encourage your readers to visit your blog
  • Calendar of events concerning your company
  • Presentation of a partnership that has just been launched
  • News from your industry or company
  • Update on your commitments: fair trade, responsible brand, data processing, etc.
  • Sharing statistics and surveys to inform your recipients
  • FAQ covering recurring questions from your contacts
  •  Highlighting customer cases and testimonials to help your leads and prospects to plan and get started
  • Tips and tricks: how to properly clean our jewelry, the best times to buy your plane ticket, etc.
  • Survey, quiz or competition to engage and make your audience react


Finally, don’t forget to personalize your campaigns.

In addition to maintaining a connection with your readers, you humanize your interactions with them. This way, they feel more confident, appreciate your company more and have the impression that they are being addressed individually. You get closer to them and they return the favor by being more engaged with your brand.

To do this, you can grab their attention by using their first name, or refer to one of their behaviors (registration, purchase, visit to a page, request for information). For example, you could offer a care guide to customers who bought cashmere sweaters (behavioral personalization), or announce to others an event that is taking place near them (geographic personalization). The possibilities are endless! And to top it all off, the performance of your campaigns will improve if you personalize your message, whether it is the opening rates or the click rates.

3. Keep your promises 

On your registration form, indicate to your contacts the frequency of sending your newsletters as well as the topics you will cover in them. On the one hand, you encourage them to register by arousing their curiosity, on the other hand you inform them in advance in order to avoid possible disappointments.

Next, keep your promises! If some of your contacts subscribed to your newsletter to receive information on a particular topic and you end up not covering that topic at all, the impact of your campaigns will be less, your contacts will be disappointed and they will not hesitate to unsubscribe. And if you decide to change the theme of your content, notify your recipients beforehand to avoid unpleasant surprises.

4. Think about the design of your newsletter

To ensure that your contacts instantly recognize your brand and that the content is visually pleasant to read and look at, do not neglect the layout of your newsletters. This will allow you to ensure graphic consistency across all of your communications, gain harmony within your message and increase the impact of your emails. Use your typography, your colors, insert videos, gifs or even images to air out your content and highlight your text message. This will allow you to effectively convey your message and optimize its memorization.

1. Clean up your mailing list

Clean up your contact list regularly and eliminate those who no longer interact with your campaigns despite your numerous reminders. In this way, you optimize your deliverability.

Indeed, the more your contacts interact with your newsletters, the more ISPs become suspicious about the relevance of your mailings. Your sender reputation may suffer. As a result, you have a higher risk that your newsletters will end up in spam. Take matters into your own hands and anticipate by regularly sorting and cleaning your recipient lists.

2. Test your newsletter and try different variables

Test your newsletter before sending it to your contacts to make sure everything is displayed correctly and that the links work. Indeed, delivering your campaign and then realizing right after that a link is broken, an image is not adapted or the subject is not the right one can be disastrous!


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