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7 tips to improve your pronunciation immediately



Hi! You have master French vocabulary and grammar, but you are not satisfi with your pronunciation, you have difficulty producing certain sounds like the “r” and the “ou pronunciation immiately “. Having good elocution is important for French speakers to understand you. But rest assur, improving your pronunciation quickly is possible. Here are seven tips to achieve this.

Hello and thanks for joining me for this new video.

A reminder before we begin. The goal is to have a better pronunciation so that people understand us. That is our goal. We are not trying to speak like a native speaker at all costs. Many of you write to me to say: “Johan, I want to speak like you”. Forget that goal.

Of course, you can acquire a very high level of pronunciation and you can have a pronunciation that will be quite close to that of a native speaker, but the goal that I recommend you set for yourself is only to have a clear pronunciation that allows you to be understood. Okay? If you keep a little accent that is link to your mother tongue, not only is it not a problem, but it also allows you to add a little charm. So, don’t try to erase your accent at all costs, just try to speak clearly.

Pronunciation is a skill that is work on in a specific way

I always tell you that it is important to listen a lot to improve your French, and listening helps you a lot to improve your understanding and even your expression. It will help you a little to improve your pronunciation, I am talking about listening, but it is not the best way. To really improve your pronunciation, you have to do specific laos whatsapp number data  work to learn to practice or use muscles in your mouth that you do not necessarily use in your mother tongue.

In the Authentic French Academy , we do this work. We have a number of SOS sheets relat to pronunciation, we have workshops in which the academy tutors guide you and correct your pronunciation and we have, for each module, pronunciation practice files.


Spanish speakers have more problems with the “v” in French because it doesn’t really exist in their language. English speakers have some problems with the “ou” and the “u”, because the “u” is not really found in English. And there are a number of sounds, for example the “r” or the nasal vowels “on”, “an”, “in”, which pose  faiza potgieter problems for everyone, for all learners, regardless of their mother tongue.

So, our advice is to identify those that are causing you the most problems and work on them intensively.

Second tip: work your facial muscles with exercises

As I was telling you earlier, there are a certain number of sounds that your body, your physique, is not us to producing and you must therefore strengthen these muscles a little through  a complete list of unit phone numbers exercises to be able to pronounce them correctly.

And here, well, there are different ways to do it, some recommend exercises that are really as if you were doing sports. Personally, I’m not a big fan of this approach because I find that it’s not very natural, it’s not very authentic. On the other hand, what I recommend you do to build up these muscles or to strengthen these muscles is to use tongue twisters. There are plenty of them.


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